Be There for Someone Else.
Increase social and physical activity within your community. Give people a better-quality of life and an enhanced sense of well being. Be a mentor, be a friend, be there for someone else. Volunteer Today!
Giving Back ☆ ACT II
When you join RSVP, you choose how you want to give back and how much time you can volunteer. Let your talents and experiences help others through volunteer programs.
Make giving back your Second Act.
Check your age.
Are you age 55 or older?
Do you enjoy helping others in your community?
Do you have 1 - 40 hours during the week to spend time volunteering?
About Our Local Sponsor.
Locally, Pender AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP is sponsored by Pender Adult Services (PAS) with services provided across
Pender County through PAS Senior Centers in Burgaw and Hampstead.
About AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP in Pender County.
AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP in Pender County receives funding from AmeriCorps Seniors, the federal agency that connects individuals and organizations through service and volunteering to
tackle some of the nation's most pressing challenges. It is one of the nation's largest networks for senior volunteer opportunities.